Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Was So Wrong!

I got into an ugly and emotionally-charged argument about Hansie Cronje, at that time he was accused of match-fixing but he was still innocent till proven guilty and I argued he was innocent and it was all a smear campaign, a few days later he told a packed press conference, ‘’The devil made me do it’’.
I had gotten it so completely wrong. It was not the first time nor was it the last.
You don’t even want me to start counting how many times I’ve said, ‘’She’s the one’’ only for the proverbial golden cup to be broken later. And in all the times I’ve said, ‘This is it, this one becomes Mrs Nkosi’, I sincerely meant it. But stuff happens, either way I have been wrong.
I get it so ridiculously wrong at times it hurts, I have even planted my seed in the most diabolically-wrong womb I could have chosen. But that’s me, I’m the guy who gets it wrong once in a while.
I have produced some episodes (on TV) that were so wrong making me watch them again is tantamount to torture. Yeah, they sure don’t even make 1% of all I’ve produced but I had been trusted to make riveting TV, instead I messed it all up.
I’ve said things that I later deeply regretted but that’s me again, I’m prone to getting it wrong from time to time.
I have chosen some of the nastiest and deeply immoral characters as friends, and of course they have stuck knives on my back while I wasn’t looking, but I’d had CHOSEN them and invited them to my life. I was so wrong in my choices.
I have pledged my allegiance to people who didn’t think twice about spitting me out the moment they felt I’d overstayed my usefulness, I was loyal to people who didn’t deserve my unwavering loyalty, I was wrong about them. They were always bastards, I was wrong not to have seen it earlier.
I have walked away from some of the most amazing women, in as much as my heart has moved on, I can’t deny the fact that they were amazing women. I was wrong not to notice that.
I have stuck my ‘magic stick’ unwrapped in ‘cookies’ that could well have meant the beginning of the end of my life. I was stupid, I was wrong. Dangerously wrong.    
I have made many wrong choices and decisions, if one day I ever come across as intelligent and clever, it’ll be all thanks to a lifetime of stupidity and wrong decisions.
But I have a history of binge-drinking and messing with the white powder, at least I have an excuse. What’s yours? Stupidity, right? Right! J

1 comment:

  1. You know what! You nailed it! Awesome, awesome, awesome! You may now join my club of Getting It Horribly Wrongers, welcome;-)
